As funeral professionals, you handle some of the most delicate and emotional situations imaginable. In a family’s time of need, you are not only their guide in arranging for their loved one, but you are also their support system and a shoulder to cry on. Additionally, the time you put into your profession doesn’t often leave too much room to take time for yourself.
With all these potential stresses, how can you take care of yourself and your staff?
Offer mental health service recommendations
In times of great stress, sometimes talking to a mental health professional can make a big difference. Provide your staff with resources to locate therapists – both online and around your location – so they can make connections with a reliable mental health professional. Online therapy services like BetterHelp and talkspace make it easy to find a virtual therapist, available whenever you need them. If your staff is more comfortable meeting with someone in your area, a simple Google search or using a service like GoodTherapy will help them find the right therapist for them.
Encouraging taking vacations and mental health days
Vacations for funeral professionals can be difficult – your job is your passion, and it can be difficult to pull away. Some may even feel guilty leaving their business for a couple of days to get some R&R. The reality is vacations and mental health days are important for recharging so you can return to work with a fresh mindset.
Adopt solutions to lighten the workload
As a funeral professional, you probably already know that technology is the future of the profession. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over the next 20 years, the US population for ages 65-85 are estimated to grow almost 40% (over 20% more than the next highest range, 45-49) Furthermore, deaths of 65-85 are expected to grow by 50%.
This means more customers for you to handle and possibly fewer staff. Adopting technology solutions like online paperwork filing services, HR technology services and planning storefronts can help alleviate stress, allowing your staff to focus less time on logistics and more time serving your families.
Learn how an eFuneral partner has integrated their digital solutions with their existing funeral business: